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How to use Virtual Environment

Written by Parvatiandsons Team


Virtualenv, short for "Virtual Environment," is a tool used in Django (and Python development in general) to create isolated and self-contained environments for your Python projects. Virtualenv allows you to manage project-specific dependencies and isolate them from the global Python environment and other projects, which offers several benefits:


1. Isolation: Each Virtualenv creates a separate Python environment for your project. This isolation ensures that the libraries and dependencies you install for one project won't interfere with or affect other projects or the system-wide Python installation. This is crucial when working on multiple projects with potentially conflicting requirements.

2. Dependency Management: Virtualenv lets you define and manage the dependencies (Python packages and libraries) specific to your project. You can create a `requirements.txt` file that lists all the required packages for your project, making it easy for others to recreate the same environment.

3. Version Compatibility: Different projects may require different versions of the same library. Virtualenv allows you to install specific versions of packages, ensuring compatibility with your project's requirements without affecting other projects.

4. Portability: Virtualenv environments can be easily shared and transferred between developers or deployed to different servers. This makes it simple to reproduce the same environment in various development, testing, and production environments.

5. Simplified Cleanup: When you're done with a project or its dependencies, you can simply delete the Virtualenv folder, which removes all installed packages and leaves no trace on your system.


Here's how you can create and use a Virtualenv for a Django project:


1. Install Virtualenv (if you haven't already):


You can install Virtualenv using `pip`:


pip install virtualenv

2. Create a Virtualenv for Your Django Project:


Navigate to your project directory and run the following command to create a new Virtualenv:


virtualenv venv


Replace `venv` with the desired name for your virtual environment. This will create a new folder named `venv` (or your chosen name) in your project directory.


3. Activate the Virtualenv:


On Windows:




On macOS and Linux:


source venv/bin/activate


After activation, your shell prompt will change to indicate that you are now in the virtual environment.


4. Install Django and Dependencies:


While the Virtualenv is active, you can use `pip` to install Django and any other packages specific to your project:


pip install django


You can also install other project dependencies as needed.


5. Deactivate the Virtualenv:


To exit the virtual environment, simply run:




6. Use the Virtualenv in Your Project:


Whenever you work on your Django project, activate the Virtualenv first. It will ensure that you're using the isolated environment with the project-specific dependencies.

  •     How to create Django Project
  • Django Models and it's use